Monday, July 2, 2007

Love Signals

Some people don't know, Love or just passion, If U always remember, Always Mentioning the Name U love, feel missing, feel comfort when U close, ready to sacrifice .heart beating when you hear the name you love. Those are the signals when u love something.

Love can make us happy n can make us sad. But There is Love can make us always happy, poor or wealthy, sick or healthy.

Believe it. Happiness is in our heart NOT in our hands.

LOVE is the key of Happiness

But not Love to Human or Love to the World,

What Love can make us REALLY HAPPY?.
no matter we are Poor or Rich, sick or healthy, we will always happy.

It 's LOVE because of Faith to Allah SWT

In order to Love Allah. and Allah loves Us. We should:

  • always remember Allah
  • Always Mentioning the Name of Allah
  • feel comfort when U close to Allah by Praying (shalat) in Masjid/Mosque
  • ready to sacrifice to Allah.

there is no God but Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala


Anonymous said...

Jarang ada orang indonesia menulis artikel untuk dakwah dalam bahasa inggris. Untuk itu saya bangga dan mendukung. Ajari dong mas.

mr.anas ayahara said...

Alhamdulillah, kapan2 kita ketemu aku ajari. terima kasih pada Alm. ayahku, semua guru bahasa inggrisku di SMP 3 depok, SMA 2 depok, dan LBPP LIA pengadegan jakarta